Saturday, November 22, 2008

these are LONG overdue

My friends and I had a crazy awesome and extremely fun photoshoot a few weeks ago, and oh my god it was absolutely the most fun ever. If you've never thrown on crazy outfits and taken ANTM-style pictures and then laughed at them afterwards, YOU ARE MISSING OUT. I probably lost ten pounds from just laughing so hard.

Now be warned, there are LOTS of pics here.
From Left to Right:
1: Dress, made by me. Belt, mom's. Necklace, China. Boots, model's.
2: Jacket, Salvation Army. Leggings, made by me. Shoes, model's. Belt, Claire's.
3: Leggings, made by me. Skirt, made by me. Shoes, Jessica Simpson (not mine). Tee, Fruit of the Loom. Necklace, Claires. Hat, Target.
4. Leggings, Made by me. Dress, made by me. Shoes, model's. Belt, F21. Necklace, grandma's. Sunglasses, ??.
5. Dress, made by me. Shoes, Bakers.

Left-most model:
Pants, F21. Top, made by me. Headband, streets of NYC.
On me:
Coat, not mine.

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